Community - Parish Show

Parish Show 2024

The Parish Show will take place in the Parish Church on 31 August, open 2pm.

The full programme of classes and entry form is here (also available from Cedar Therapy, the church, Co-op, Eagles, the Flower Shop, Foodies, Hempton church, the library, Mark David and Nellie & Dove. There will also be a stall at the 27 July and 24 August Farmers’ Markets.

Come and share your skills: how about baking a cake, either to compete in one of the cookery classes or for the cake stall, to be enjoyed on the day, serenaded by our talented brass band?

The photo competition topics this year are ‘Black & White’,’Farm Animals, ‘A Subject from inside a Church’, ‘Lazy Days’ and ‘Hills & Wolds’. Or what about writing a funny Limerick, starting ‘Our village …’? (For help writing a limerick, click here.)

Having a clear-out? Sue Ayles would appreciate bottles of everything from shampoo to champagne for the bottle stall – please deliver to Faulkner’s Cottage, Bullring, by Friday 30 August.

For contact details, see the DIRECTORY

A history of the show is here